Olympic Lifting for MMA

Posted: 13th January 2014 by Joker in MMA, Training
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Q: Hi Coach, i’ve read alot of conflicting information on olympic lifting for fighters some people say it grants C4 like explosiveness and power, others say it is dangerous and over complicated. So do the Oly lifts have a place in a fighters training  and if they do how do you incorporate them?

A: Alright the short answer is YES. Ok now the long answer, yes the olympic lifts are fantastic at developing not only strength speed, but also flexibility and agility. The major caveat is the lifts have to be learned properly, and there is a significant learning curve. Now MY OPINION is that it is worth a fighters time to become proficient in the full olympic lifts and and the power variants, particularly the Clean and Split Jerk. The flexibility and force absorption in the bottom catch of the clean is great for wrestling and the guard, and learning and reenforcing the elbow shoulder and foot position in the split jerk is excellent for improving punching power and technique. Using these lifts light as a part of a dynamic warm up is one option if you have a crammed full training schedule, or using the full clean as a main lift for a max 1-3 rep set on a lower body day, and the split jerk as a main lift for a 1 rm on an upper body day. The only thing you DO NOT DO, is doing the lifts high reps or as conditioning unless you are already good at them since this will erode technique, taking away some of the benefit and drive up injury risk. Oly lifts are only useful to a fighter if they are done well if you don’t want to put in the time and effort don’t bother they are a nice to have in your tool box not a need to have.